Kameleonify, Krea’Lab (SARL ARCA) brand
5 rue Claude Lewy
45100 – Orléans
Phone: 0236861986
Mail: support@kameleonify.me
SIRET number: 818 510 273 00035
SARL ARCA with a capital of 5,000 €
VAT number: FR 81 818 510 273
RCS ORLEANS 818 510 273
Responsible for publication:
Cyril Petit-Bagnard
- Host: Kinsta
- Location: data center Belgium (BE)
- Company name: Kinsta Inc.
- Headquarters: Greater Los Angeles Area, West Coast, Western US
- Phone: +44 20 3239 3173
Personal datas
Any personal information that the Internet user would have to transmit to Kameleonify is subject to the provisions of Law n ° 78-17 Informatique et Libertés of January 6, 1978. As such, the Internet user has a right of access, rectification and deletion of personal information concerning him that he can exercise at any time in writing to the following address:
5 rue Claude Lewy
45100 – Orléans